she mad. at what? everything.


Hailing from the Steppe's Chaghan tribe, Jaliqai is prone to fits of uncontrollable rage her tribe calls the Will of Karash. She tries to trigger this rage as often as possible, especially when fighting. Even when Karash doesn't take hold of her, Jaliqai often gets incredibly angry when fighting, and in general has a short temper.
She has her secret side, of course, but good luck getting her to share it.

FemaleXaela30BisexualChaotic Neutral


Born oldest to Bede and Odval Chaghan, Jaliqai had two siblings five summers younger than her named Marlai and Khorchi.

Although much younger than her, Jaliqai's siblings quickly began to outshine her in her parent's eyes. They both outgrew her by the time they were 12, and they excelled in combat more than Jaliqai ever did even at age 17. To make matters worse, the Will of Karash, her tribe's signature trait, had yet to show itself in her, while her siblings had both had their own rages.

When it was time for her Coming of Age trial, Jaliqai was genuinely scared. Most if not all other Chaghans had Karash manifest in order to succeed in the trial, and she had never experienced it. To kill a tiger with her bare hands, as weak as she was compared to her siblings... It seemed impossible.

Thankfully, she succeeded. Regardless of her weakness compared to Marlai and Khorchi, was still an incredibly strong Au'ra; however, Karash didn't show itself. To her tribe, that made her faulty. She was inadequate, officially now, to her family and her tribe. Even passing in Bardam's Mettle proved nothing to them, as any Au'ra worth their weight could do such.

Made a shame of the tribe, Jaliqai's next five years were slow and painful. The rest of the tribe would mock her relentlessly, and she was forced to live alone at the end of their settlement. The only person who was kind to her was a young man named Yekiurgan, but he fantasized her into a weak, helpless woman in need of assistance, not recognizing her strength. Still, his companionship was welcome, and he became her first husband ere long.

At age 22, Jaliqai witnessed her siblings own coming of age. The two of them easily dispatched two tigers, the Will of Karash carrying them to swift victory. The tribe congratulated them for their win, and praised the parents for having finally had children worth their merit. The ridicule against her continued, and even began to extend to her husband. They were ostracized harsher than before, occasionally coming home to find their yurt a mess and their belongings missing. Fights between them and their fellow Chaghan were common, and even though she emerged victorious most of the time, she was still seen as weak.


When she was 24, Jaliqai realized Karash would never manifest and gave up. She resigned herself to living her life as an exception. Yekiurgan took care of her during her depression, making sure she ate and encouraging her out of their home to get some sun. The months following her realization were the most dreadful of her life; she refused to fight back when picked on, resulting in scars littering her body from where her fellow tribesmen hit her. Her husband originally tried to stop them, but eventually gave up when he would end up assaulted as well.

On her 25th nameday, Jaliqai had been out for a walk outside the tribe and been returning home when she heard a familiar scream. Running to the source, she found her husband on the ground being surrounded by other Au'ra men, including her brother, Khorchi. They were berating him for having chosen such a useless wife, driving weapons into him and holding his cut-off horns above his head. The sight flew Jaliqai into a frenzy, and for the first time in her life, Karash took hold. In a matter of minutes, Jaliqai had severely wounded all the men surrounding Yekiurgan, fatally so for some. By the time she calmed down, her husband was laying on the ground cold, and the rest of the tribe had gathered.

The Chaghan congratulated Jaliqai, praising her for having finally become one of them, but all she could do was kneel by her husband's body and mourn. Had she been sooner, had she been stronger, had Karash made itself known sooner, this would not have happened. Perhaps it was the will of the Dusk Mother that this should happen, but... she couldn't accept it.

Determined to become stronger and master her newfound strength, Jaliqai left the Steppe with her Yol. In her eyes, the death of her husband was her fault, and she would not see others suffer the same fate due to her lack of strength even though Karash had finally manifested.

Taking a boat to Hingashi, she eventually found herself in Limsa Lominsa, where she learned Eorzean. The folks there were more than eager to fight, especially someone that looked as small as she. Over a few years, Jaliqai grew to become a fighter of Limsa, but it wasn't enough. The Dusk Mother may have blessed her with the Will of Karash, but she wasn't strong enough. Until she felt ready to return home and fight her tribe, she will continue to fight.


For Jaliqai, I'm mainly looking for adventuring and combat-based RP! She's a feisty girl, and I want to practice my combat-based RP. Plus, Jaliqai is a very unusual character type for me to RP, and I want to practice and explore that as much as possible. That said, I'm down for anything! I love slice of life scenes especially. I'm 100% okay with more mature themes (her backstory includes some), and if something makes me uncomfortable, I'll make sure to voice it.

I'm always looking for new friends / allies for her, or rivals / enemies! I'm interested in eventual romance for her, but it'll be a bit of a build up.

Stemming from the Chaghan tribe, Jaliqai has no shame of her roots. She's always surprised to meet other Xaela in Eorzea, and will usually boast her tribe's prowess to them.

After having left the Steppe, Jaliqai found herself residing in Limsa Lominsa and La Noscea. When she speaks Eorzean, she has a notably Limsan accent, and she can often be seen around the decks.


Jaliqai has a thirst for exploration and discovery. She loves signing up for adventuring missions, especially if she knows she'll get to fight or camp out.

Driven by a need to prove herself in combat, Jaliqai has taken up the role of a mercenary to get as much experience as possible. She'll work for any price, doing whatever is asked of her without question.

With a drive for battle, Jaliqai will take any chance she can find to have a good fight. Be it a "friendly" brawl or a beast hunt, she'll sign up regardless to get some fun.

Although not something she could enjoy back on the Steppe, Jaliqai has a fascination with music and the arts. She especially enjoys cooking, and can sometimes be spotted around the Culinarian's Guild.


Call me Myst! I'm 19 and I go by he/him. I adore drawing and writing, but I also have interests in palaeontology, marine biology, and psychology!

I have some social anxiety, and it can sometimes get in the way of me interacting with people, but I try my best to overcome it and talk to as many new folks as I can!

Discord is the easiest way to contact me!

DISCORD: Bakugoes#0878
TUMBLR: Bakugoes
TWITTER: @Bakugoez

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